Asian Style French Toast Sandwich (Easy French Toast Sandwiches with Soy sauce and BBQ sauce, 簡単アジア風フレンチトーストサンド)

Asian Style French Toast Sandwich (Easy French Toast Sandwiches with Soy sauce and BBQ sauce, 簡単アジア風フレンチトーストサンド)

Asian Style French Toast Sandwich is very easy to make and you can cook it on only a frying pan. It is not that sweet like a typical French Toast, but it’s so tasty. It is good to eat for breakfast or lunch. This sandwich would fulfill your stomach and give you energy! To be honest with you, I wanted to use a bunch of eggs and bread which will expire soon. So I made this sandwich to get rid of old eggs and bread. Also I didn’t waste food. If you would like to clean up your refrigerator and pantry, I highly recommend making this sandwich!

Ingredients (2 sandwiches):

  • 2 slices of bread
  • 6 eggs
  • 2 long bacon
  • 4 sliced ham
  • 2 sliced cheese
  • 2 x 1 tablespoon butter
  • 2 x 1 teaspoon soy sauce
  • 2 x 1 teaspoon salt & pepper
  • 2 x 1 tablespoon BBQ sauce (I used Sweet Baby Ray’s BBQ sauce this time.)
  • 2 small pieces broccoli (If you like, for decoration)
  • 4 small pieces carrots (If you like, for decoration)

Here is how to make it at home. Cooking time is about 20 - 30 minutes.

  1. Cut 2 bacon into half. Heat bacon in a small frying pan with medium heat. Stir for about 1-3 minutes or until the bacon becomes crispy. Remove from heat. -> See picture A.
Picture A

2. Cut 2 sliced cheese into half and set aside. Cut 2 slices of bread into half. -> See picture B.

Picture B

3. Beat 3 eggs in a bowl at a time. Add soy sauce and salt & pepper. -> See pictures C & D.

Picture C
Picture D

4. Preheat a butter in a large frying pan with medium heat. -> See picture E.

Picture E

5. Pour beaten eggs from step 3. into the large frying pan. Put 2 half sliced bread in the frying pan. -> See picture F.

Picture F

6. Flip over only both bread quickly using a turner to absorb eggs. -> See picture G.

Picture G

7. Simmer 1-2 minutes or until eggs are cooked and harder. -> See picture H.

Picture H

8. Flip over the entire eggs and bread using the turner. -> See picture I.

Picture I

9. Fold 4 corners using the turner and chopsticks hard and quickly as shown in the picture. -> See picture J.

Picture J

10. Put 2 sliced ham on the left side of the French bread, 2 bacon slices on top of the ham, and 2 half sliced cheese on the right side as shown in the picture. -> See picture K.

Picture K

11. Add BBQ sauce on top of the bacon. -> See picture L.

Picture L

12. Fold the right side of bread to the left side as shown in the picture. Simmer 1-2 minutes or until the cheese melts.  Repeat step 3. - step 12. for 2 servings. -> See picture M.

Picture M

13. Serve French toast, broccoli and carrots on plates.