Meat Sauce Eggplant Doria (Meat Sauce Casserole With Eggplant And Rice , ミートソースの茄子ドリア)
Doria is a Western style Japanese dish which usually consists of white sauce and rice. Doria looked like a European dish, however it was invented by a Swiss chef in Japan.
Apparently, the dish “Doria” was named after the Genoese statesman “Andrea Doria” from the noble class family in Genoa, Italy.
I will introduce the unique Meat Sauce Eggplant Doria instead of using white sauce to make it at home easily. You would enjoy eating this dish with your family and/or friends!
Ingredients (3 - 4 plates):
- Rice for 3 - 4 people
- 1/2 eggplant
- Ground beef (1/2 lbs, 0.23kgs)
- 1 small can of sliced mushrooms (113g, 4oz)
- 1/2 bin tomato pasta sauce
- 1 clove garlic
- 1 teaspoon olive oil
- 5 or more small leaves parsley
- 1 cube *Japanese consomme
- 1 teaspoon salt & pepper
- 6 sliced cheese (I used sliced cheddar cheese)
- Spray butter or spray olive oil
*Japanese consomme is made of vegetable extract, beef extract, chicken extract, yeast extract, soy sauce, salt, sugar and so on. It is similar to vegetable, chicken and beef stock.
-> See pictures A, B & C.

Here is how to make it at home. Cooking time is about 40 minutes - 50 minutes.
- Cook rice. Meanwhile, cut garlic into small pieces. Cut an eggplant into bite size chunks.
- Preheat olive oil in a frying pan with medium heat. Add garlic and stir for 1 minute. -> See picture D.

3. Add ground beef in the frying pan with medium heat and stir for 3 - 5 minutes or until ground beef is fully cooked. -> See picture E.

4. Add the eggplant and stir for about 3 - 5 minutes. -> See picture F.

5. Add mushrooms and stir until the eggplant and mushrooms are fully cooked. -> See picture G.

6. Add tomato pasta sauce and stir for 1 minute. Mix occasionally. -> See picture H.

7. Add Japanese consomme and salt & pepper, and stir for 3-5 minutes. Remove from heat. -> See pictures I & J.

8. Spray oil or butter on a small - medium size glass tray as shown in the picture. -> See picture K.

9. Put the cooked rice on the glass tray as shown in the picture. -> See picture L.

10. Add meat sauce from step 7. on top of the rice as shown in the picture. -> See picture M.

11. Add sliced cheese on top of the meat sauce. -> See picture N.

12. Heat oven up to 400 °F (205 °C) without preheating. Put the meat sauce doria into the oven for about 15 - 20 minutes. (Heating time may vary and depending on the oven which you use.) Remove from the heat.
13. Add parsley leaves on top.