Stir-Fried Eggplant Pork Miso Don (ナスと豚肉の味噌炒め丼)
Stir-Fried Eggplant Pork Miso Don is a fulfilling dish.
Pork and eggplant are tender. The combination of Eggplant, Pork and Miso is great.
Also I added Taberu Rayu which is fried garlic flakes with chili oil to this dish in order to have a stronger taste.
“Eggplant” in English means “Nasu” in Japanese.
Apparently, the eggplant is originally from India and there are about 1000 kinds of eggplants in the world.
A lot of Japanese eggplants are usually longer and thinner than the American eggplants. The color of common Japanese eggplant is dark purple. Surprisingly, I saw some white eggplants in the U.S.A.
Eggplants are eaten in summer or fall in Japan. The eggplants which I cooked this time are from my garden. It's easy to grow and cook eggplants.
Enjoy eating this unique Japanese food at home!
Ingredients (2 bowls):
- 2 small eggplants
- 300g (0.7lbs) pork shoulder roast
- 1 onion
- 1 small green onion
- 1 tablespoon sesame oil
- 2 tablespoons Miso
- 1 tablespoon Soy sauce
- 1 tablespoon Mirin
- 1 tablespoon sugar
- 2 teaspoons Taberu Rayu (Fried garlic flakes with chili oil)
- White sesame (as you like)
- Rice for 2 people
-> See picture A.

Here is how to make it at home. Cooking time is about 25 - 35 minutes.
- Cook rice. Meanwhile, cut eggplants into bite size chunks and put them into a small-medium bowl with water for 3-5 minutes. Remove water thoroughly. Slice an onion. -> See pictures B and C.

2. Preheat sesame oil in a frying pan with medium heat. -> See picture D.

3. Meanwhile, cut pork shoulder roast into bite size chunks and green onions into small pieces. -> See pictures E and F.

4. Put the onion into the frying pan and stir for 1 minute. -> See picture G.

5. Add the eggplants into the frying pan and stir for 1-2 minutes. -> See picture H.

6. Add the pork and stir for 3-5 minutes with lid or until the pork is fully cooked. -> See pictures I and J.

7. Meanwhile, put Miso, Soy sauce, Mirin and sugar into a small bowl and mix thoroughly. -> See picture K.

8. After pork is fully cooked, add the mixture from step 7. into the frying pan. -> See pictures L and M.

9. Add Taberu rayu into the frying pan and mix thoroughly. Remove from the heat. -> See pictures N and O.

10. Put rice into bowls and stir-fried eggplants and pork on top of the rice. Add white sesame and green onions on top.